Woodwind Lessons

Call us or Write us today to register year round for private music lessons!

204-487-3664 info@riverheightsmusicschool.com

Recorder Lessons can start as young as 5 years of age.

Flute Lessons generally start at age 7 and older, but sometimes younger students will start with a special curved-head flute.

Saxophone & Clarinet Lessons – Our private saxophone lessons and clarinet lessons start from age 8 onward. Earlier than age 8, a student typically does not have the lung capacity and strength to handle these instruments. Our saxophone, flute and clarinet instructors are proficient on all instruments so a student can start with one lessons if they wish and switch or add another without having to change instructors. Our woodwind instructors actively perform in all types of bands and ensembles and as soloists.

  • The teachers all have university or college degrees in woodwinds.
  • All our lessons are offered in 30 minute, 45 minute or 1 hour lengths.
  • You can choose to be in our student recital.
  • We offer a wide range of styles and many students choose to do their Royal Conservatory of Music exams.

River Heights School of Music
2025 Corydon Ave. #202
Winnipeg Manitoba
R3P 0N5