I guess you all remember March Break 2020! A time of induced fear and uncertainty. Fast forward to today and I’d like to believe there is more hope and planning for the future than there is fear and loathing.
I believe progress triumphs most of the time but, there is a part of me that is reminded that hope doesn’t sell as well as fear and that can, and has, led down a bad path.
So here’s to hope!
The office will be closed for both in-person and on-line lessons from March 27th until April 4th.
As part part of our belief in progress and hope, we signed another long term lease and are doing a major overhaul of our music lessons spaces!
Music Recital 2021
while I am hopeful for a summer of travel, sports and family gatherings, I am doubtful we will be able to present a Student Recital this year. The very nature of the event makes that seem unlikely combined with all the major churches reluctance to even have in-person religious services.
I am not interested in Facebook or Zoom recital. We have this in June on a Sunday and I’d rather have our students out in the sunshine rather than standing in front of a screen. We will wait until we can legally do it.